Public Art

Public Art Expressions of Interest/Commissions

Painted Street Cabinets - Applications Open

Open Monday 12th August 2024 till Friday 6th September 2024.

Artists Brief - Painted Street Cabinets

To apply, please refer to the artist brief document above, and email applications to before the deadline.

Public Art Advisory Group (PAAG)

Council values and supports the creation of public art as an expression of the community’s unique attributes, heritage, and people. Public art contributes to the vibrancy of public spaces for the enjoyment of locals and visitors, enhances community identity, and enriches cultural life.

In recognition of this, Council commits funds in the budget each year for the development of public art in the municipal area. 

The Public Art Advisory group was first formed in 2021 through an expression of interest process, with interested community members participating in a range of artist briefs, project commissions and installations.

Initial appointment for group members is 12 months, with a potential option to extend beyond that period. General meetings are held twice a year, with further meetings scheduled on an as needed basis. Membership of the Group does not require any specific qualifications or background, however a genuine interest and an understanding of the value of public art in place-making and the value or art to the culture of a community is valued.

Since inception, the Public Art Advisory group have participated in projects including:

  • Concept design and installation of artwork in the Wynyard Plaza;
  • Development of brief for the artist commission of the Discover Somerset Illustrated Map -installed at Cam River Reserve;
  • Artist commission brief for Discover Wynyard Illustrated map – installed at Civic Park, Wynyard;
  • Somerset Plaza artwork panels and murals;
  • Sisters Beach estuary canopy;
  • Brief for Artist Commission of Tasmanian Tigers for Waratah.

Recent Installations

Art Mural (Lunch Company Laneway, Wynyard)

Councillors and the PAAG opened Amy Morrow’s art mural on Wednesday, April 10th 2024:

Exploring the Interconnected Tapestry of Nature and Community

  1. The Metamorphosis of a Butterfly

Have you ever witnessed the wondrous transformation that takes place within the tiny cocoon of a caterpillar? From its humble beginnings, a butterfly emerges, stunning us with its vibrant colours and delicate wings. The stages of metamorphosis and nature’s incredible ability to reinvent itself.

  1. The Significance of Bees

Bees are not just tiny insects buzzing around flowers; they play an indispensable role in the delicate balance of our ecosystems. Acknowledgment prompts conversation, more education and understanding is needed to teach the future generations the intricate dance of bee colonies, their crucial role in pollination, and the dire consequences of their declining population. Bees are awe-inspiring, the efforts of these small creatures undertake to sustain our world’s biodiversity.

  1. The Medicinal and Ecological Importance of Dandelions

Often dismissed as weeds, dandelions possess astonishing benefits that extend beyond their appearance. Let’s delve into the rich tapestry of dandelion’s medicinal properties, ecological significance, and the cultural significance attached to blowing the fluffy seeds. Dandelions are all season flower that sustain bees, important to our ecosystem, especially the colder months when limited flowers. A symbol for strength and resilience growing through cracks in concrete year after year. As we uncover their hidden potential, we’ll reflect upon the beauty of embracing diversity and appreciating the often-overlooked elements of our natural world.

  1. The Symbolism Behind Making Wishes

Making wishes holds a timeless allure, invoking a sense of hope and possibility. I want the mural to not only be an interactive photo opportunity with butterfly wings on your back and blowing out wishes,  but also explore the symbolic meanings.

  1. Fingerprints – Within the seed heads

Fingerprints made into art, references from local icons and community clubs prints, we’ll celebrate the power of collective action as individuals come together to protect and preserve our fragile ecosystems, fostering a deep sense of connectedness and belonging as we contemplate the power of our dreams and aspirations, we’ll learn how they intertwine with the natural world and the positive impact they can have on our lives and communities.

  1. Find and Seek – in a Specific Mural

Art has the power to bridge worlds, inspire conversations, and celebrate our surroundings. The mural will have a list of 5 hidden interactions, and conversation we’ll explore the references and hidden messages within a specific mural, linking it to WYNYARD alongside, the themes of metamorphosis, bees, dandelions, wish-making, and community. Through my art intentions and the significance behind the mural’s imagery, opening the door to a deeper appreciation of the natural world.

Let us be inspired, educated, and motivated to embark on a shared journey towards a more harmonious coexistence with nature and each other.