Fact Sheets and Useful Links

Owner builder guidelines

Please refer to the following links for details regarding Owner Builder permit requirements.

Finding Accredited building service providers and licensed tradespersons

The Tasmanian Government Consumer, Building and Occupational Services website has a listing of licensed tradespersons in Tasmania.

Taswater Certificate of Certifiable Works

TasWater will provide a Certificate of Certifiable Works (CCW) for any work that is likely to interfere with their infrastructure.

For Low Risk Work the property owner is responsible to ensure there are no TasWater certifiable works.

For Notifiable and Permit Work (as defined by the Building Act 2016) a Licensed Building Services Provider must certify using an Assessment of Building and Plumbing Works, that there are no certifiable works.  This includes ensuring the property has a water meter, alternatively a CCW or Exemption issued by TasWater must be submitted.

Please refer to the TasWater website full details.

Tiny Houses

‘Tiny Houses’ is an informal term that is often used to describe a smaller home that may be considered more financially sustainable, or a lifestyle preference compared to the more traditional sized houses.

These ‘Tiny Houses’ currently fall into one of the following categories:

  • Habitable buildings (not road registerable) – A class of building recognised under the National Construction Code that is built for the purpose of living in. This definition covers site-built and prefabricated buildings.
  • Road registerable vehicles are structures that are capable of being registered for use on a public roadway and relocated by towing behind a vehicle. These are commonly known as a caravan or camping trailer.

Planning, Building and Plumbing approvals may be required to erect/locate a Tiny House on your land.  To ensure compliance with the Land Use and Planning Approvals Act 1993 and Building Act 2016 we encourage you to contact our Town Planner and Permit Authority prior to committing to the project.  They are available to assist over the phone or face to face during Council’s opening hours. 

To book an appointment phone Council on (03) 6443 8333 or email your enquiry to council@warwyn.tas.gov.au.

Please refer to the following Regulatory Notes for full details: