The natural environment is one of Waratah-Wynyard’s most important assets and is central to our local identity.
Our land and coastlines support a rich level of animal and plant biodiversity, as well as being highly valued by our community for the benefits of supporting recreation, health and wellbeing. Alongside our natural environment sit our productive and developed environments, where industry and business operate and where people live. Occasionally, there can be friction between the needs of our natural, productive and built environments.
At the same time, we recognise we are facing unprecedented challenges as the impacts of global climate change is felt by ecosystems and communities.
As Council’s commitment to addressing some of these conflicts and getting the balance between them right, the Waratah-Wynyard Council set out to develop its first Integrated Council Environmental Plan (iCEP).
A copy of the Integrated Council Environmental Plan can be found below:
iCEP - SUMMARY VERSION - Waratah-Wynyard Integrated Council Environmental Plan (iCEP) - Aug 2020
iCEP - COMPLETE VERSION - Waratah-Wynyard Intergrated Council Environmental Plan (iCEP) - Aug 2020
The iCEP is a ten-year, evidence-based plan reflective of current research and technical insight. It sets out our key priorities across five areas of council and community life so that our residents, workers and visitors can enjoy the benefits of a more secure future.
Requiring partnership with council and the community to succeed, the creation of the plan also involved feedback from the community to evolve and grow into the document it is today.
During the developmental stage, community members supported iCEP by contributing in workshops and at street engagement activities at nominated locations, as well as through written feedback or through an online survey. Postcards were also made available at schools and pockets throughout the municipality, giving people the option of writing or drawing their thoughts. Over 250 submissions were made during this process which were used to inform the final draft. Further details on this part of the engagement can be found by reading the iCEP Community & Stakeholder Consultation Report.
The draft iCEP was released to the community again on World Environment Day for further feedback on the plan and to make sure it was in line with the community’s expectations. Upon consideration of the feedback received, the final iCEP includes greater priority given to actions that focus on building community capacity and adaption, linkages to the existing Health and Wellbeing Plan and a stronger emphasis placed on protecting and enhancing biodiversity.
Waratah-Wynyard Council is proud to present the inaugural iCEP and look forward to working with our community over the coming months and years.
The first annual update, covering the 2020/21 period, was noted by the Council at its 16 August 2021 Council meeting. A copy of the agenda report and minutes for this meeting can be found here.
Of the 152 actions recognised within iCEP, six of those have been completed and a quarter of them are recognised as “ongoing” activities embedded into standard business practice. Further details on progress is shown in the summary chart below.
In addition to the activities undertaken within the iCEP delivery plan, other activities have been undertaken during this period and are in line with the general principles of iCEP. The key achievements to note for the 2020/21 financial year (in no particular order), are:
- Planting of 3,500 trees throughout the municipality during 2020/21, including a large rehabilitation at the Ballast Pit site
- Updated the 10-year Corporate Strategic Plan 2017-2027 to reflect the environmental philosophies and priorities contained within iCEP
- Development of an Environmental Sustainability Policy
- Installation of a solar panel system for the use of renewable energy at the Wynyard Council Chambers
- Development of the Draft Fossil Bluff and Surrounds Master Plan in partnership with the Wynyard Landcare Group
- Installation of a Recycling Hub at the Wynyard Council Chambers
- Development of a Settlement Strategy
- Installation of virtual fencing devices on the Sisters Beach Road in partnership with the Sisters Beach Community Association
- Agreement with Wynyard Landcare to translocate several species of heathland plants (several of which are rare in Tasmania and some are the only example of their species known in the Wynyard area) to a public reserve
- Recycling of insitu pavement material to reduce use of natural materials, fewer truck kilometers on the road and fewer carbon emissions as part of pavement renewal works on Deep Creek Road, George Street and Pelissier/Raglan roundabout
- Developed and implemented a paperless Planning, Building and Plumbing assessment process
- Provided compostable dog poo bags in our public dispensers with the added benefit of this style being more cost effective than the plastic alternative that was being used
- Supported the Wynyard High School’s Climate Awareness Day by participating in workshop/s and providing sustainability educational information
- Added an environmental sustainability criteria to the tender evaluation process to ensure future tenders are assessed accordingly
- Continued sustainability efforts at Warawyn Early Learning Centre, including:
- Warawyn – indigenous edible garden being created in collaboration with community members
- Partnered with LiveWell to secure funding for a Bee Friendly garden
- Educators undertake online training re food handling and are and accredited “Move Well, Eat Well” service, promoting nutrition and physical activities. Family resources are available and promoted. Produce grown at services, is used to supplement morning and afternoon tea and surplus offered to parents. Boat Harbour Outside School Hours Care (through children’s interests) grow tomatoes with excess made into sauce and offered to parents and families
- Warawyn staff educate children about soft plastics and recycling. Promote and deliver plastics to local drop off centre. Parents/families are encouraged to use “package free” items in lunchboxes. Promote Nude Food Month, Earth Hour, World Water Day annually.
The annual update, covering the 2021/22 period, was noted by the Council at its 17 October 2022 Council meeting. A copy of the agenda report and minutes for this meeting can be found here.
Of the 152 actions recognised within iCEP, nine of those have been completed and a quarter of them (40) are recognised as “ongoing” activities embedded into standard business practice. Further details on progress is shown in the summary chart below.
In addition to the activities undertaken within the iCEP delivery plan, other activities have been undertaken during this period and are in line with the general principles of iCEP. The key achievements to note for the 2021/22 financial year (in no particular order), are:
- A Council emissions audit was conducted, and an emissions target has been set to achieve net zero corporate carbon emissions by 2030 with interim targets toward the goal.
- The Sustainability and Environmental Advisory Panel (SEAP) has been established, the first meetings to be held in the 22/23 financial year.
- Planted approximately 300 trees and shrubs within the municipality.
- Adoption of a renewed Dog Management Policy, which prohibits dogs from designated conservation areas.
- Conducted a public place recycling bin audit.
- Continued implementation of the Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy, including opportunities to include smart technology, continuous improvement in operations and establishment of new rural kerbside collection service beginning in October.
- New waste and recycling services to Lennah Drive and Little Village Lane
- Addition of a recycling service to Waratah.
- Continued to work towards eradication of invasive weed species such as gorse and sea spurge.
- Establishment of a community “Energy Saver Grants Program”, with $50,000 being provided to community organisations for energy saving initiatives.
- Installation of a solar panel system at the Somerset Indoor Recreation Centre and at the Wynyard Waterfront Multi-Purpose Facility.
- Installation of LED lighting into public toilet buildings.
- Collaboration with Wynyard Landcare to translocate several species of heathland plants (several of which are rare in Tasmania and some are the only example of their species known in the Wynyard area).
- Through the Healthy Tas Project Officer (HTPO), a strong relationship with Farm It Forward in Tasmania has been developed. This will enable volunteers to go to people’s houses and establish their gardens, sharing the produce with the owners, the group and the community.
- Provision of face mask recycling at the Wynyard Council Chambers and Warawyn Early Learning Centre.
- Continued sustainability efforts at Warawyn Early Learning Centre, including:
- Plastic use is minimised and where soft plastics are used, they are collected and delivered to local drop off centre.
- Utilisation of tank water (collecting rainwater) for plants and garden maintenance
- Worm farms added to room programs.
- Sustainability statement added to Service Philosophy and Mission Statement
- Children’s artwork using recycled materials displayed in foyer.
- Supported, shared and celebrated a calendar of sustainability events with families and children.
The annual update, covering the 2022/23 period, was noted by the Council at its 20 November 2023 Council meeting. A copy of the agenda report and minutes for this meeting can be found here.
Of the 152 actions recognised within iCEP, 28 of those have been completed, just under a quarter (31) are recognised as “ongoing” activities embedded into standard business practice. Further details on progress is shown in the summary chart below.
In addition to the activities undertaken within the iCEP delivery plan, other activities have been undertaken during this period and are in line with the general principles of iCEP. The key achievements to note for the 2022/23 financial year (in no particular order), are:
- Sisters Beach estuary works in collaboration with the Sisters Beach Wildcare group.
- Conducted the first meetings of the Sustainability and Environmental Advisory Panel (SEAP) and establish an action plan of core activities for the two-year term.
- Conducted the first ‘eco village event’ integrated into the Wynyard Tulip Festival.
- Installation of LED lighting to the Wynyard Squash Centre.
- Adjustment to the Sponsorship Signage Policy to exclude sponsorship from fossil fuel businesses.
- Further planning for options to reduce council’s carbon footprint in line with the 2030 net zero target, including the addition of Council’s first hybrid vehicles.
- Committed in-principle to the roll out of kerbside food organics and garden organics (FOGO) collection.
- Participation in the Cities Power Partnership program.
The annual update, covering the 2023/24 period, was noted by the Council at its 18 November 2024 Council meeting. A copy of the agenda report and minutes for this meeting can be found here.
Of the 152 actions recognised within iCEP, 42 of those have been completed, 28 are recognised as “ongoing” activities embedded into standard business practice and 23 are “in progress” at the time of this report. The number of “not started” actions has reduced from 45% (68 actions) in 2022/23 to 39% (59) at the end of the 2023/2024 financial year. Further details on progress is summarised in the graph below.
In addition to the activities noted within the attachment, some activities are undertaken by Council and are in line with the general principles of iCEP and should equally be recognised as part of this update.
Some of the key achievements to note for the previous twelve months and in no particular order, are:
- Completion of coastal erosion works at Boat Harbour.
- Staged restoration of Camp Creek riparian reserve through revegetation in liaison with landowner/s and partnership with Wynyard Landcare.
- Continued involvement in the planning reform processes by providing comments on the State Government’s draft Tasmanian Planning Policies, State Planning Provisions and Cradle Coast Regional Land Use Strategy. Each of these have a focus on adapting to climate change.
- Implemented the regional FOGO collection service from 1 July 2024.
Site adjustments at the Wynyard Waste Transfer Station to enhance separation of rubble and soils and reduce the potential for green waste contamination.
Council will be undertaking many activities throughout the year that support the principles of iCEP. Some of the key activities that Council plan to undertake during 2024/25 are:
- Staged restoration of the Sisters Beach estuary
- Continuation of coastal erosion works at Sisters Beach and Anzac Park (Somerset).
- Development of a Camp Creek Master Plan.
- Renewal of the French’s Road Nature Reserve Management Plan.
- Development of a Tree and Vegetation Management Framework for the whole of the Waratah-Wynyard municipality.
- Development of a Food Security Policy, educational materials and project plan for future strategy and mapping partnerships.
- Improve awareness, education and produce educational materials for the Home Energy Audit Toolkit (HEAT) in the community.
- Development of a Ballad Avenue Master Plan to enhance the natural values and habitat of the adjacent riparian zone of the Inglis River, incorporating education and connectivity and improve health and wellbeing opportunities for the community.
- Introduce information about climate change and sustainable living in New Residents’ Kits with the assistance of the SEAP group.
- Begin planning for a Doctors Rocks Master Plan which aims to improve penguin viewing experience, education and introduces park and ride elements.
- Planning for introduction of EV charging stations for both public and Council.
- Investigate the feasibility of the next phase of coastal pathway, Wynyard-Smithton-Stanley loop, which will further provide opportunities to reduce transport related carbon emissions.
- Commence development of a vegetation management plan for the Inglis River riparian reserve following the walking track and associated infrastructure review.
- Implementation of the regional FOGO collection service from 1 July 2024.
- Continued utilisation of recycled crumb rubber in urban reseal program (with exception to asphalt works).