Transparency and Accountability

Waratah-Wynyard Council is committed to being open and transparent with our community. Members of the community have a right to access information and are encouraged to contact Council in the first instance to seek information. 

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Elected Members Gifts and Benefits Register

Gifts Benefits Policy

Public Interest Disclosures Procedures

Council’s Public Interest Disclosures Procedures were approved by the Ombudsman under s60(3) of Public Interest Disclosure Act on 8 April 2021.

Public Land Register

The following Register is provided to the public for viewing under section 177A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993:

WWC_Public Land Register

Right to Information

What is the Right to Information?

The Right to Information Act 2009 commenced on 1 July 2010 and provides for greater access to information held by government bodies by:

  • Authorising and encouraging greater routine disclosure of information held by public authorities without the need for requests or applications;
  • Authorising and encouraging greater active disclosure of information held by public authorities in response to informal requests without the need for applications;
  • Giving members of the public an enforceable right to information held by public authorities; and
  • Providing that access to information held by government bodies is restricted in only limited circumstances which are defined in the Act.

The Waratah-Wynyard Council is a public authority.

Why do we have a Right to Information Act?

Section 3 of the Act includes this statement of the objects of the Act:

(1) The object of this Act is to improve democratic government in Tasmania –

(a) by increasing the accountability of the executive to the people of Tasmania; and

(b) by increasing the ability of the people of Tasmania to participate in their governance; and

(c) by acknowledging that information collected by public authorities is collected for and on behalf of the people of Tasmania and is the property of the State.

 (2) This object is to be pursued by giving members of the public the right to obtain information held by public authorities and Ministers.

 (3) This object is also to be pursued by giving members of the public the right to obtain information about the operations of Government.

 (4) It is the intention of Parliament –

(a) that this Act be interpreted so as to further the object set out in subsection (1); and

(b) that discretions conferred by this Act be exercised so as to facilitate and promote, promptly and at the lowest reasonable cost, the provision of the maximum amount of official information.

How do I get access to information?

The Waratah-Wynyard Council is required by the Right to Information Act 2009 to make information available to the public through proactive disclosure, this means we are to routinely make information available which will assist the public in understanding what it is we do and how we do it.

This is may be done via our website, through publications (e.g. fact sheets, or discussion papers), via reports (e.g. our Annual Report).

Some information is not released in this way, either because it is not of general public interest or because it is information the Council would need to assess against the exemptions in the Right to Information Act 2009 prior to disclosure.

If you cannot find the information via one of the means below contact the Council and we may be able to assist you in finding it or we may give it to you.  If it is not freely available we will assist you to make an application for an assessed disclosure.

You may find information from the Waratah-Wynyard Council in one of the following ways:

Direct from Waratah-Wynyard Council

  • Search Council Website  –
  • Look in our annual reports
  • Look at our publications
  • Give Waratah-Wynyard Council a call on 6443 8333
  • Email Waratah-Wynyard Council on

You can also access archives through the Tasmanian Archives and Heritage Office (TAHO).

Applications for assessed disclosure

Applications for the Waratah-Wynyard Council are to be addressed to:
Right to Information Officer
Waratah-Wynyard Council
PO Box 168

Or email:

A form to assist in making an application is available below.

Applications for information need to be made to the Council, authority or council holding the relevant information or most closely linked to the information.
Applications must be made in writing and include the information which is requested in the Application for Assessed Disclosure form –  this is a requirement of Regulation 4 of the Right to Information Regulations 2010.  
Applications are to be accompanied by the application fee
You may apply to have the fee waived if:
  • you are in financial hardship – we take that to mean that you are on income support payments (we would usually ask to see evidence that you are in receipt of Centrelink or veterans affairs payments);
  • you are a member of parliament and the application is in connection with their official duty; or
  • you are able to gives us information which shows that the information sought is intended to be used for a purpose that is of general public interest or benefit.
Important note: Make sure you have looked for the information before you make a formal application. If the information is otherwise publicly available your application may be refused without the return of you application fee.

What will we do once we have your application?

  • We will check your application to make sure we have the information we need and that you have paid the application fee (or we will waive the fee)
  • We may transfer your application to another public authority if we do not believe we are best placed to provide you with the information.
  • Before your application is accepted, we may need to contact you to ask you about your application, this will help us to understand your request.
  • Once we have done these steps an officer will assess your application against the Right to Information Act 2009and let you know the outcome of that process in writing.
  • You will be notified of the decision on your application for assessed disclosure as soon as practicable, but in no more than 20 working days of the application being accepted.
  • If your request is complex or for a large amount of information we may ask you to give us more time. If there is a need to consult with a third party about their business affairs or about their personal information, more time is automatically given and we will let you know the outcome as soon as practicable, but no later than 40 working days – we will let you know if this is happening.
  • If the application or part of the application is refused, then the reasons for the refusal to provide the information must be provided as part of the decision together with details on the right to seek a review of the decision.
  • If the officer assessing your request does not get back to you in the time frame allowed then we are taken to have refused your application and you are able to make an application for review to the Ombudsman if your choose. Some information on reviews by the Ombudsman can be found on the Office of the Ombudsman’s website

Related Information and documents

Application for Assessed Disclosure

Service Level Documents

The Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework

The Child and Youth Safe Organisations Act 2023 gives power to key recommendations from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

The idea of child safe standards has been around for a long time, as has that of a reportable conduct scheme.

These ideas became more prominent during the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse that ran from 2012-2015.

The Royal Commission found:

  • Many organisations failed to protect children in their care from abuse.
  • These failures were historical and contemporary, meaning they didn’t only happen ‘in the past’.
  • The institutional cultures and practices that allowed abuse to happen and stopped people investigating it properly were still happening.

The Royal Commission made recommendations designed to put these things right, including:

  • the development of a national set of child safe standards (now called the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations)
  • that places in Australia that didn’t already have a reportable conduct scheme in place developed and implemented one.

In 2023, ‘Tasmania’s Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework’ was developed. Key parts of the Framework are based on these recommendations.

Our Statement of Commitment

At Waratah-Wynyard Council we are dedicated to creating a safe and supportive environment for children and young people.

Our policies and practices prioritise their safety, well-being, and rights.

We actively strive to involve children and young people in decisions that affect them, uphold equity, diversity, and cultural safety, and regularly review and enhance our implementation of child and youth safety standards.

We maintain transparent communication with families, carers, and the community, and actively seek feedback for continuous improvement on our child safe approach.

Our commitment to child and youth safety is unwavering and is integrated into all aspects of our organisation’s operations in line with the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Act 2023 and the Child and Youth Safe Standards.

Waratah-Wynyard Council Child Safety Policy

Waratah-Wynyard Council Interim Allegation & Complaints Handling Procedures

For Children

We will prevent child abuse by identifying risks early and removing and reducing these risks.

We will treat allegations of child safety concerns seriously and respond appropriately.

We will contact authorities when there are reasonable concerns about a child’s safety.

We will ensure the cultural safety of all children, including Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander children, children from a culturally or linguistically diverse background and children with a disability.

We will maintain recruitment practices that consistently select staff, volunteers and labour hire contractors who do not pose a risk to children’s safety. 

For Staff, Volunteers, Councillors and Organisations

We will train and educate our staff and volunteers about child safety and child abuse so they are aware of their obligations.

We require that Councillors, employees, volunteers, organisations and others associated with Council understand and follow child-safe principles and expectations for appropriate behaviour towards, and in the company of children.

The Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework will apply to a wide range of organisations that engage with children and young people. 

The Framework consists of:

The Child and Youth Safe Standards: Ten principles that organisations must put into practice when they engage with children and young people. In putting the Child and Youth Safe Standards into practice, organisations must also give effect to a Universal Principle for Aboriginal Cultural Safety.

Information Sheet on the Child and Youth Standards from Dept of Justice (doc)

The Reportable Conduct Scheme: A compulsory scheme that requires leaders of certain organisations to report — and investigate — concerns about conduct related to child abuse involving a worker to an independent regulator.

Information Sheet on the Reportable Conduct Scheme from Dept of Justice (doc)

More information on the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework can be found here –

From 1 January 2024, you will be able to make a report to the Independent Regulator via the OIR website

Office of the Independent Regulator contact details:

General enquiries


Phone: 1800 754 728