WWC Media


Coastal Hazard Impacts at Sisters Beach

Project Information We are shaping how we manage coastal hazard impacts to our public spaces around the creek mouth at Sisters Beach. The Sisters Beach coastline is a beautiful and


Pause Places Project

“Pause Places” are compositions of locally sourced log seats, rocks and vegetation, carefully located in high profile places to provide attractive places to rest, break a journey, see and learn


Free Cat Desexing Program Launched

From Monday 5th Feb 2024, eligible residents can have their cat desexed for free. Waratah-Wynyard Council (supported by a co-funding grant from the Cradle Coast Authority), the National Desexing Network


Cam River Master Plan

The Cam River Master Plan will provide Council guidance on the infrastructure and landscaping that will ultimately provide the greatest benefit for all users of the reserve area.


2023-24 Budget delivers another surplus

Waratah-Wynyard Council is expected to adopt a budget that delivers a surplus for the eighth consecutive year at Monday nights’ Council meeting.


Coastal Pathway Project: Wynyard to Burnie

In 2009, Waratah-Wynyard Council and other North-West councils, initiated the North West Coastal Pathway Project. The plan was released in 2010 and produced in conjunction with Safer Roads for Cyclists Tasmania, and the Tasmanian State Government.


Spanish Heath Blitz

Spanish heath is familiar to many Tasmanians as a highly invasive weed. In the north-west coast it is becoming increasingly prevalent and spreading at an alarming speed. Spanish Heath is often confused with native species due to the remarkable similarities it has with our own native heath species.

Thanks to the State Government Weed Action Fund, we have a unique chance to stop this invasive weed before it gets out of control and impossible to eradicate.


Wynyard Sports Precinct

Waratah-Wynyard Council adopted an Open Space, Sport and Recreation Plan (OSSR) in 2017 and as part of that strategy, a Wynyard Sporting Precinct was proposed. Development of the proposed precinct has progressed through the use of concepts and ideas generated by the OSSR report and from meetings with each of the clubs and key stakeholders within the sports precinct.


Fossil Bluff and Surrounding Trails Master Plan

The Fossil Bluff and Surrounding Trails Master Plan has been developed with the intent of providing a roadmap for the future development and management of Fossil Bluff Reserve and its surrounding trails.

Drone shot of the Flood Mitigation Works

Flood Mitigation – Port Creek

Flood mitigation works at Port Creek will soon start, with the project being advertised for design and construct tenders this Saturday, June 5.
Port Creek has historically inundated several residents within rainfall conditions.
Based on the risk, it was determined a project to mitigate inundation at Port Creek commence.


East Wynyard Foreshore Master Plan

The East Wynyard Foreshore Master Plan will set a clear vision for the future management and beautification of the area.